Balance is so important! We want a well-balanced meal and a balanced perspective on life. Keeping our balance while on our feet is just as important for preventing dangerous falls that result in injuries with long, painful recoveries. Start your balancing exercises slowly and work up to more challenging ones.
Ada Mae Schneider
New Tables and Chairs
Take a look at our new dining room tables and chairs. These were provided by gifts from the Morley Foundation, the Wickson-Link Memorial Foundation, the Allen & Marie Nickless Foundation, and another foundation that desires to remain anonymous. Funds included an allowance for new laminate table top surfaces that were expertly installed by the Community […]
Community Village Partners with PharmaScript
PharmaScript Long Term Care Pharmacy of Michigan makes serving the residents of long term care facilities their primary focus. PharmaScript is a family owned and operated LTC Pharmacy, serving LTC facilities, adult foster care, homes for the aged, assisted living, and nursing homes since 2004. PharmaScript takes pride in providing high quality service, care, and […]
United Commercial Travelers Donate New Grill
The Saginaw United Commercial Travelers (UCT) presented Community Village with a brand new 6-burner Weber grill. Every year, the UCT manages the food tent at the Village’s Strawberry Festival, and their familiarity with the old grill prompted their generosity. (We think that was a nice way of saying they knew how much a new grill […]
Refurbished Rooms
Community Village is in the process of refurbishing rooms for the comfort and enjoyment of residents. The room pictured above is one that could be enjoyed by a married couple, and of course twin beds are available. Residents also have the option of furnishing the room to their own tastes (this often means that familiar […]