Assisted living is paid with private (personal) funding or long term care insurance and is not covered by Medicare or Medicaid in most instances.
Financial Assistance
With the reality of private pay, the following resources may be helpful in paying for your assisted living needs:

Veterans – Veterans may use their benefits to assist in payment for assisted living services. In addition, the Veterans Administration has the Aide and Attendance program to provide financial assistance toward assisted living for those who served during time of war and/or for their spouse.

Medicaid – Medicaid assistance can generally apply to medical and pharmaceutical services for residents of assisted living.

Medicaid Waiver – A relatively new program that can generally apply to an individual opting to age in place (i.e., remain at an assisted living facility instead of relocating to a nursing facility). Eligibility is determined through nurse’s assessment. Agencies offering this benefit in our area are A&D Home Health Care and Region VII Area Agency on Aging.

Charitable Assistance – Community Village has a number of friends who believe strongly in caring for frail elders. When low income applicants and their family are unable to afford even the modest cost of Community Village assisted living, we often help applicants submit a request for charitable assistance.
Payment Schedule
- Most Community Village residents opt to receive a monthly bill for services and make payment via check
- Charges are assessed month to month
- Residents are not required to sign a contract for any length of time
- Note: applicants are not required to pay an assessment fee or a move-in fee
Why generous donations are invaluable to Community Village
Many of us have friends and neighbors who have come to need assistance with the activities of daily living but lack resources for conventional assisted living programs. Community Village has done everything possible to make assisted living services affordable. However, we often find there are some applicants still unable to afford our modest rates. Community Village welcomes charitable gifts from the community and family members to offset the cost of care. Gifts are tax deductible within IRS guidelines. In addition, 401K minimum required distributions are also welcomed gifts.