Housing Options
Standard Room
- Standard Semi-Private Room – $2500/month. Detached shared bath. Maximum two persons per room. Approximate room size is 200 square feet.
- Large Semi-Private Room – $2700/month.
- Standard Private Room – $2900/month. Detached shared bath. Approximate room size is 200 square feet.
Library Lane
- Private room with shared bathroom in Library Lane – $3200/month
- Private room with private bathroom in Library Lane – $3700/month. Approximate room size is 300 square feet.
- Married couple with private bathroom in Library Lane – $5000/month. Approximate room size is 300 square feet.
- Apartment (one-person) – $4200/month. Includes kitchenette, bath, living room, and bedroom. Approximate room size is 375 square feet.
- Apartment (couple) – $5700/month (requires separate admissions contracts). Includes kitchenette, bath, living room, and bedroom. Approximate room size is 375 square feet.
Services Included With Your Monthly Fee
- Laundry
- Meals
- Medication administration
- Assistance as needed with toileting, dressing, hygiene, and bathing
Additional Services
- Pharmacy: Resident/family is responsible for co-pays and fees if insurance does not cover an amount.
- Laundry: no charge
- Hair Care in our Beauty Salon: contact our beautician for current rates. Cash is not accepted, so any services provided will be charged to the resident’s next monthly bill.
- AC Unit: In a semi-private room, if one resident doesn’t want an AC unit, the one who does want it will be responsible for the full cost. $25 for 1-person room; $12.50 for shared 2-person room.
- Incontinence Supplies: The resident or their responsible party is charged with providing these supplies for the resident. PACE participants will have these supplies provided to them. Medicaid recipients can be referred to J&B for possible coverage of the supplies.
Policies and Procedures Regarding Fees
- Fee Increases. Community Village fees are subject to increases due to the cost of living. Such changes are most often announced in a December letter for the following year.
- $50.00 late fee. This fee will be charged if Social Security letter is not turned in before December 25th. Increases due to additional need for care are explained in a care conference where the activities of daily living are discussed.
- Questions and Refusals. You will always have the right to question increases, and you have the right to refuse to pay increases in fees, but plans must be made for alternate placement within 30 days of refusal. You will always be notified of any changes to this fee schedule.
Refund Policy
- When residents elect to move from Community Village in the middle of a month without notice there will be no refund of service fees for the remaining days in the month they depart. If a resident’s rent is income-based, no refund will be given if they leave in the middle of the month as refunds are only for those paying full amount.
- When a resident is absent from the Village for hospitalization a refund of meal allowance ($10/day) will be deducted from their next monthly bill. (This benefit is only available for residents paying full rate.)
- When a resident leaves Community Village for hospitalization that leads to a need for nursing care, or if resident becomes deceased, fees will be refunded back to the date of their personal belongings being removed from their room.
- A refund check will be sent once the resident is fully moved out. Whoever is the Rep payee, Guardian or the resident themselves will be sent this check.