Knowing where to turn for help.
Some things in life we just don’t consider until we’re forced to do so. Dealing with the realities of an aging parent is one of those things. It can be confusing, emotional, and frustrating. However, there are resources available to help you make sense of the options and decisions that lay ahead. Research the ones that will help you specifically.
Working together as a team.
Best case scenario is that you have willing family members involved in the process. Even if you don’t, create a team including your parent’s physicians, trusted family or friends, and, of course, your parent. The hard conversations will need to happen; be gentle with yourself and with others.
Establishing objectives.
When managing the transition, it’s advantageous that everyone involved aligns their objectives to what will keep your parent safest and happiest. Though each person might define that differently, starting this conversation is the first step forward.
Recognizing your parent’s needs and limitations.
Taking action – actually relocating your parent – is often preceded by months of observations and concerns that you might not be ready to accept. Is this normal? Am I exaggerating what just happened? Rather than question yourself, become familiar with How to Know When It’s Time for Help.